What Benefits Can Electronic Signature Solutions Bring To Your Business?


No matter whether you are a big-shot entrepreneur or a budding businessman, one of the first smart business skills that you learn is the importance of saving money and time. A business that constantly suffers from bottlenecks when it comes to time and expense management is not likely to survive in the long run. Electronic signature is believed to make a big difference in minimizing futile time delays and expenditures.

As a business owner you have to make it a point to keep adapting and reinventing your business as per the latest corporate practices and trends. You have to identify what’s holding your business back, areas where you can improve, and ways in which you can streamline your business operations. One of the most common pain points for a businessman is collaborating with the relevant people and getting critical documents signed on time. In this digital age, when there are options like e-signature solutions, you can not afford to turn a blind eye to the time and money losses that paper-based signatures cause your business.

Here is a comparison between a physical signature and an electronic signature in relation to their impacts on your business:

Physical/Paper-based Signature

Electronic Signature

Risk of fraudulent signatures is high. There is a big room for unreliability when it comes to ascertaining the ownership of the signature.

Electronic signatures that are secured with cryptography offer high degree of assurance regarding the authenticity of the signature.

With paper signatures also come tons of paperwork. Imagine the costs spent on all of them! Printing, faxing, xeroxing, scanning, couriering, storing, and what not! Your business deserves better than these easily avoidable costs.

An electronic signature software handles everything online, from preparing, sending, and signing, to storing the documents for future use. Doesn’t this sound a lot more convenient?

Paper documents are susceptible to loss, theft, tampering, and other such safety and security vulnerabilities.

Esignature software offers a highly secure infrastructure to store your documents, with easy and quick access to them anytime you want.

When a paper document needs signatures from multiple people, it usually takes a lot of time in getting everybody’s signatures on time. Plus you are burdened with the task of separately following up with each party, to see whether they have done their due diligence or not.

Esignature solutions offer you a relief from all of this. You can instantly send the document to be signed to all the stakeholders. Moreover, you can track the current status of the signing process of your document. You may even set reminders and notifications to further simplify your job.

Excessive paperwork can somewhat hamper your efforts of providing hassle-free interaction experience to your customers.

E-sign solutions represent the modern and technologically advanced way of doing things. By implementing e-signature in your customer dealings, you make it easy for your customers to interact with you.

Esign solutions not only make your business processes more time-efficient and cost-effective, but they also serve in creating a tech-friendly and customer-oriented brand value for your business. Start using electronic signature software to see the benefits working for your own business.

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